The Fender Vibro Champ has been a tool used by many recording artists for many decades. This small 5-watt guitar amplifier was initially advertised for beginners and players looking for a small practice amp. This little amp packs a Fender designed 8inch speaker, pine cabinet, tube driven tremolo(12ax7), tube preamp(12ax7), and tube power amp(6v6). Due to the amp’s small size and limited wattage, it makes it the perfect studio recording amplifier. Analog tube amplifiers preform and sound their best when their volume control lives in the “sweet spot”. The sweet spot is around 4 or 5 volume knob on most guitar amplifiers. A Twin Reverb, one of Fenders most popular and powerful offerings, set to 4 is almost as loud as a jet taking off. This is frankly unnecessary and ridiculous in a studio environment. The Vibro Champ can deliver sweet, saturated tones at apartment volumes.
The original Vibro Champ was released in 1964 and ran until 1981. A lot of these amps were made so they are still accessible on the secondhand market. Fender has recently reissued the Vibro Champ with a few modern upgrades, reverb and a larger 10-inch speaker. If you're savvy with a soldering iron Mojotone makes a kit that allow you to handwire and build a Champ from the ground up.